Friday, December 7, 2018

Month Three Post-Op

Three months post-surgery... Things continue to go well. I continue to slowly progress dilating from the purple dilator to the larger blue dilator. Over a period of two weeks my schedule for dilating went from using the purple dilator at full depth for 30 minutes followed by the blue dilator at one-third depth for 10 minutes to the purple at full for 15 minutes followed by the blue at full depth for 15 minutes. I slowly progressed pushing the blue dilator deeper over time to slowly stretch the vaginal canal to avoid tearing anything again. It's gone pretty well and switching from purple to blue has gone faster than expected. By three weeks into this level-up I was able to do the blue for the entire 30 minutes and only use the purple to warm up for several minutes first. Because of initial vaginal tightness, I may need to use the purple dilator to "warm-up" stretch for a few minutes first before inserting the blue dilator, for another couple of weeks. I went to see my endocrinologist for my annual check-up on Day 70 post-op. Once a year I go to see him. He has handled my hormone therapy for transition for several years. I drove upstate to Albany, received blood-work to check my hormone levels and will have my HRT adjusted now that I am post-op. I no longer require the Spironolactone, which was used to block testosterone. I no longer possess testicles, so I no longer produce testosterone in large amounts. The adrenal glands produce much smaller amounts in both men and women, so that is entirely normal. I will also no longer require my Medroxyprogesterone, a progestin which aids in the hormone therapy, particularly in breast and mammary gland development. The Estrogen is being maintained at the same dosage. The doctor also inspected my vagina. They then wrote letters to have my sex designation changed on my birth certificate and changed on Social Security Administration records. My ability to sit upright comfortably has improved. It's about damn time. I can now sit fairly normally. While doing my daily vaginal inspection I noticed a lack of sensation in spots around the vulva (the exterior genitalia: clitoris, clitoral hood, labia, etc). Using a pointy object, I gently dragged it across my skin and could feel the scratching. Doing the same on the clitoral hood, it was numb. I also did the same on both labia majoras, both sides are numb. The clitoris has full sensation however. I am hoping the numbness is a normal part of the recovery process. The original numbness I noticed inside the vagina last month appears to have gone away and I can feel internal sensation again. More bills were processed by my health insurance company recently, bringing the surgery and all related costs to a grand total of $258,000. So far, I've only had to pay a $50 co-pay. There are yet more bills standing by to be processed. Besides this, there is not much else to say. I'm very happy with everything so far.

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